Saturday, October 6, 2007

How's the Weather?

So...I started a new blog. I began one last year and posted a few post. However, when I went to post again a couple months later, I found I had forgotten which account I had made it under and the password, etc. My attempt to retrieve it has failed miserably. Therefore....I have a new account. So...why call it "How's the Weather"? Just tonight my sister, Keri, read me an essay she wrote this morning about the phrase. You see just about every single time we call home, my Dad will ask, "How's the weather?" Who could care less about what the weather is but he genuinely wants to know. You see, it is more than that. He listens attentively to all the happenings of our lives, has genuine concern, love, and care but it is his way of reminding us that life is a lot like the weather. It is always changing. Some days may be overcast, other beautiful and bright, etc. It also causes us to stop and really think about the weather. Are we so stuck on the hussle and bussle of life that we don't take time to observe the simpleness of our surroundings? It is not just a "fly in the sky" question but he truly wants to know.

So when you visit the blog maybe you'll remember to ask yourself, "How's the weather?" And do keep me posted. I am very interested in how the weather is in your life.

1 comment:

Rebecka said...

I loved reading your blog! I'm glad I'll always be able to see how your weather is.